🎃 Trick or Treat! Give it a try!
Hint: Not your ordinary QR Code
Oh, the possibilities. Let Edible Impressions team customize your QR code response...voice, video, URL, music....and so much more!
Endless use cases.....
➡️ Collect feedback through surveys and feedback forms, improving customer satisfaction. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
➡️ Increase brand awareness and loyalty by linking to brand websites or promotional content. 👋🏻🖐🏾✋🏼✋🏼🖐🏾
➡️ Create interactive games or contests, increasing customer engagement and interaction. ❓❓❓❓❓
How to "SCAN ME":
STEP 1: Open your Camera App
STEP 2: Hold your phone steady and position the camera so it is focused on the QR code. Make sure the entire QR code is within the camera frame.
STEP 3: Your phone's camera should automatically recognize the QR code and provide a response. That's it!